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Effective Coaching and Communication
14 timerHosting Online Meetings
7 timerEffective communication skills
21 timerBusiness Communication Skills
35 timerCommunication
14 timerInfluencing and Avoiding Conflict
21 timerNegotiation Skills
14 timerPeople and Team Management
21 timerCommunication and Teamwork
7 timerManaging Remote Teams
7 timerLast Updated:
SAMART Goal og forhandlingskonsept
Withaya - Babcock Power (Thailand)
Kurs - Negotiation Skills
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Klarhet i diskusjonen. Trener kobler til deltakerne. Hyggelig og glad aura av treneren.
Mona Liza - IT
Kurs - Effective interpersonal communication with elements of assertiveness
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Siden det var en 1:1, personalisering av innholdet.
Patricia - Embraer
Kurs - Influencing and Avoiding Conflict
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Utmerket trener, med talen helt skreddersydd til publikum. Mye innhold.
Carole - Axway
Kurs - Communicating and Influencing For Team Members
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Åpen atmosfære uten å dømme
Agnieszka - AXA XL
Kurs - Business Communication Skills
Machine Translated
Style of trainer although at time very fast and leaving littel rom for thinking. (not all can follow at his pace)
Paul - GEA Refrigeration Netherlands N.V. IT
Kurs - Communication and Teamwork
Jeg liker virkelig trenerens holdning og humor
zherald ametlli - SPOC S.A.
Kurs - Efektywna komunikacja interpersonalna i rozwiązywanie konfliktów
Machine Translated
Reflecting own my self to learn others
Roy Dekker - Axway GmbH
Kurs - People and Team Management
It had a lot of practical exercises
Fernando Sousa - GMV Innovating Solutions Sp. z o.o.
Kurs - Effective communication skills
I generally was benefit from the interaction and flexibility.
Olivier Pugliesi-Conti
Kurs - Communicating and Influencing - For Managers and Team Leaders
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Communication Rådgivning
Helg Communication kurs, kveld Communication trening, Communication boot camp, Communication instruktørledet, Helg Communication trening, Kveld Communication kurs, Communication coaching, Communication instruktør, Communication trener, Communication kurs, Communication klasser, Communication on-site, Communication private kurs, Communication tomannshånd trening