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7 timerConflict Management
14 timerInfluencing and Avoiding Conflict
21 timerNegotiation Skills
14 timerLast Updated:
SAMART Goal og forhandlingskonsept
Withaya - Babcock Power (Thailand)
Kurs - Negotiation Skills
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Klarhet i diskusjonen. Trener kobler til deltakerne. Hyggelig og glad aura av treneren.
Mona Liza - IT
Kurs - Effective interpersonal communication with elements of assertiveness
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Siden det var en 1:1, personalisering av innholdet.
Patricia - Embraer
Kurs - Influencing and Avoiding Conflict
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Utmerket trener, med talen helt skreddersydd til publikum. Mye innhold.
Carole - Axway
Kurs - Communicating and Influencing For Team Members
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god balanse mellom teorier og praksis
Ákos Hegyi - BioLife Plazma Hungary Kft. / Sanaplasma Kft.
Kurs - Conflict Resolution, Assertiveness and Self Confidence
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We could practice on real situation and Helen gave to me a lot of practical tips.
Elisa Venturini
Kurs - Assertiveness
The team vs. team exercise. It made me cognizant of the negative behaviours of my strong areas.
Jordan Ruegg
Kurs - Building an Effective Team with Belbin Team Roles
I generally was benefit from the interaction and flexibility.
Olivier Pugliesi-Conti
Kurs - Communicating and Influencing - For Managers and Team Leaders
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Helg Assertiveness kurs, kveld Assertiveness trening, Assertiveness boot camp, Assertiveness instruktørledet, Helg Assertiveness trening, Kveld Assertiveness kurs, Assertiveness coaching, Assertiveness instruktør, Assertiveness trener, Assertiveness kurs, Assertiveness klasser, Assertiveness on-site, Assertiveness private kurs, Assertiveness tomannshånd trening