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Agile Project Management with Kanban
14 timerKanban Management Professional 1
14 timerSAFe® for Teams
14 timerThe Kanban Method (TKP)
7 timerLast Updated:
Kurs - SAFe® for Teams
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The interactive sessions, debates and getting to use actual examples for the session
JACOLIEN VOGES - Pernod Ricard
Kurs - Kanban Management Professional 1
That after 3 days of training I have the entire overview on Agile how to use them in my case, how to calculate efficiency, approach negative employees and many more.
Joanna Meza - Zurich Insurance
Kurs - Managing Agile Projects with Lean and Kanban
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Helg KanBan kurs, kveld KanBan trening, KanBan boot camp, KanBan instruktørledet, Helg KanBan trening, Kveld KanBan kurs, KanBan coaching, KanBan instruktør, KanBan trener, KanBan kurs, KanBan klasser, KanBan on-site, KanBan private kurs, KanBan tomannshånd trening