Explore Our Courses
Advanced Alpine JS
14 timerJSON Web Tokens (JWT)
7 timerAlpine JS
7 timerNext.js 14 Advanced Development
21 timerHTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4
35 timerJSON JavaScript
14 timerReact with Next.js
14 timerAdvanced Svelte JS
14 timerCreating and managing Web sites
35 timerBackbone.js from Scratch
14 timerLearning Charts.js
14 timerCoding for Non-Coders
21 timerExt JS Fundamentals
21 timerGrunt.js for Task Automation
14 timerHTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3
35 timerIoT Programming with JavaScript
21 timerJavaScript - Advanced Programming
14 timerJavascript Basics
14 timerKnockout.js from Scratch
14 timerUnit Testing with Javascript
7 timerSpring Boot, React, and Redux
14 timerManaging Vue JS State with Vuex
7 timerManaging React State with MobX
14 timerMaterial UI
7 timerAnt Design
7 timerNestJS: Beginner to Advanced
14 timerREST API Development with LoopBack
14 timerSvelte
14 timerIntroduction to Svelte.js
14 timerNuxt.js and Vue.js
14 timerGatsby: Beginner to Advanced
14 timerAurelia Javascript Framework
14 timerPolymer.js Fundamentals
14 timerPolymer LitElement
14 timerAdvanced TypeScript
7 timerReact, Redux and TypeScript
21 timerTypeScript
7 timerTypescript Unit Testing
14 timerReact Native for iOS and Android
21 timerLast Updated:
Leksjonene var veldig interaktive og øvelsene var gode praktiske
Heino - NWK Limited
Kurs - Laravel and Vue.js
Machine Translated
Forsynt med nestjs selv om det ikke var på agendaen
Suhail - Maldives Pension Administration Office (Pension Office)
Kurs - Typescript Unit Testing
Machine Translated
Det var veldig interaktivt og informativt. Treneren var veldig tålmodig med oss når vi ikke forsto noe og sørget for at ingen ble etterlatt gjennom hele treningen.
Daniel - INIT Innovations in Transportation Ltd.
Kurs - Angular 17
Machine Translated
Jeg likte at opplæringen fokuserte mer på den praktiske siden.
Mihaela - Ness
Kurs - NgRx
Machine Translated
Vennlig miljø. Dessuten likte jeg en-til-en-trening. Det er veldig produktivt. Jeg vil definitivt anbefale det til mine venner og kolleger.
Zeed - Tamkeen Technologies
Kurs - Building Microservices with NodeJS and React
Machine Translated
Trainor gir flere prøver som virkelig hjelper mye.
Romulo - Tribal Software Philippines, Inc.
Kurs - Advanced TypeScript
Machine Translated
Kesh - Vodacom
Kurs - HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS4
Machine Translated
Situasjonen var atypisk fordi det skulle gjennomføres en intensiv opplæring for utviklere med ikke-utviklere. Lukasz tok denne utfordringen med empati og mye humor. Gjennom sin intelligente og fleksible væremåte kunne han sørge for at en konkret læringsgevinst ble oppnådd for alle. Jeg likte dette veldig godt og tar gjerne et seminar med Lukasz igjen.
Christoph - Honda Bank GmbH
Kurs - MERN Fullstack Development
Machine Translated
- I really like the course and the Trainor is very accommodating and has a great knowledge on the topic. It just that not all topics are discussed in the 4-day training.
Allan - Tribal Software Philippines Inc
Kurs - Angular 14
Topics that were discussed, lots of live code examples, trainers attitude towards group
Weronika - ATOS PGS sp. z o.o.
Kurs - Reactive Programming with Angular RxJS
The DaDesktop solution. Training exercises.
Bogdan - Pirelli
Kurs - JSON JavaScript
Jeg likte vitsene dine
Dermot - Griffiths & Armour
Kurs - Angular 2 Fundamentals
Machine Translated
He is very patient and understanding towards the participants. Always there to provide us with valuable insights and advice to adopting micro-frontend in our own organisation. He also taught us how to implement micro frontend without utilising any boilerplate codes.
Alvin Chin - Ministry of Defence
Kurs - Building Micro Frontends with React
Lærte mye om temaet
Zsolt Langviser - Accenture Industrial SS
Kurs - NestJS: Beginner to Advanced
Machine Translated
The general knowledge sharing by Narendra and all the dev resources shared
Pako Diale
Kurs - Transform a React Application into a Progressive Web App (PWA)
No powerpoint
Raymond Chan - Hospital Authority
Kurs - Advanced React
The training has good content and easy to follow
David Phetole Leshabela - Vodacom SA
Kurs - React with Next.js
Simplification of new complex techniques
Brian Zaranyika - Vodacom SA
Kurs - React Native Expo
Trainer' style of teaching
Fatma Badi - Dubai Electricity and Water Authority
Kurs - Front End Developer
Practical examples, exercises and best practices
Bartosz Zawistowski - Capgemini Polska Sp. z o.o.
Kurs - Angular 10 for Developers
Interaction and communication
Archie Dlamini - Vodacom SA
Kurs - JavaScript - Advanced Programming
Pipe Routing Data Biding Services
Edmundo Manave - CEDSIF, IP - Ministry of Finance
Kurs - Angular 12
Practical time was fun.
Pieter Hartzenberg - BMW
Kurs - Unit Testing with Javascript
Console part in web environment it gives me ho to navigate and check the history, browser api. It explains well the proper functions every element in the templates.
Glenford Cataluna - Bureau of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources
Kurs - HTML5, JavaScript, and CSS3
The breadth of the topis covered was quite a bit and the trainer tried to do justice to that.