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Docker and Kubernetes

21 timer

Kubernetes from Basic to Advanced

14 timer

Docker and Kubernetes: Building and Scaling a Containerized Application

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Certified Kubernetes Administrator (CKA) - exam preparation

21 timer

Docker (introducing Kubernetes)

14 timer

Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Administrators

35 timer

Docker, Kubernetes and OpenShift 3 for Developers

35 timer

Certified Kubernetes Application Developer (CKAD) - exam preparation

21 timer

Managing Kubernetes with Rancher

14 timer

Docker and Kubernetes on AWS

21 timer

Docker for Developers and System Administrators

14 timer

Container Management with Docker

21 timer

OpenShift 4 for Administrators

35 timer

Building Microservices with Spring Cloud and Docker

21 timer

Introduction to Docker

14 timer

Advanced Docker

14 timer

Docker and Jenkins for DevOps

14 timer

Selenium with Jenkins and Docker

14 timer

Docker from Basic to Advanced

14 timer

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Docker Rådgivning
Helg Docker kurs, kveld Docker trening, Docker boot camp, Docker instruktørledet, Helg Docker trening, Kveld Docker kurs, Docker coaching, Docker instruktør, Docker trener, Docker kurs, Docker klasser, Docker on-site, Docker private kurs, Docker tomannshånd trening