- Introduksjon Koble til data Forenkle og sortere dataene dine Organisere dataene dine Dele dataene dine etter dato Bruke flere mål i en visning Vise forholdet mellom numeriske verdier Kartlegge data geografisk Vise spesifikke verdier Tilpasse dataene Analysere data med raske tabellberegninger Vise sammenbrudd av hele Utheving data med referanselinjer Gjør dine synspunkter tilgjengelige
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Testimonials (7)
Ikke noe press på oppmøtet
Agata Budzynska - Tech NorthWest Skillnet
Kurs - Tableau Fundamentals
Machine Translated
As someone new to Tableau it was a perfect introduction to it
PEter - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Kurs - Tableau Fundamentals
I liked that the trainer could see all desktops and could see if anyone was struggling it was a great interactive training.
Claire - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Kurs - Tableau Fundamentals
Although a lot of information was presented, it was presented in a way where we could take learning from it, everything was well explained.
Donna - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Kurs - Tableau Fundamentals
Thought it was a very good course.. Im a beginner and everything explained perfectly and at a good pace.
Noreen Gallagher - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Kurs - Tableau Fundamentals
I liked how we could work alongside instructor within our own VM. This kept us engaged
Michelle Ahern - Tech Northwest Skillnet
Kurs - Tableau Fundamentals
Very hands on approach to learning Approachable and well informed on the course materials. structured approach to training.