Alteryx Oversikt
- Hva er Alteryx Alteryx funksjoner
Forberede utviklingsmiljøet
- Installere og konfigurere Alteryx Navigere i grensesnittet
Alteryx Hurtigstart
- Importere data Opprette og utføre en arbeidsflyt Arbeide med dokumentasjonsverktøy og kumulative verktøy
Data Management
- Klargjøring og rensing av data
- Opprette egendefinerte formler, algoritmer og beregninger Utføre datatransformasjoner
- Integrering av en BI-plattform (Tableau, Power BI osv.) Opprette datavisualiseringer Automatisering av rapportering
Oppsummering og konklusjon
- En forståelse av dataanalyse
- Dataforskere
Testimonials (7)
Brukte gode eksempler, bra tempo på treningen og dekket det meste
David - McGraw Hill
Kurs - Data Preparation with Alteryx
Machine Translated
I enjoyed the exercises session the most as I get to understand how to apply. Would definitely enjoyed it more if there are more combination exercises :)
Joan Ng
Kurs - Data Preparation with Alteryx
The exercises and projects
Chirath Gunasinghe
Kurs - Data Preparation with Alteryx
Trainer flexibility in the following areas: 1. Shifting the agenda to address some questions I had which required the introduction of some Alteryx tools which Pedro had initially planned to introduce later. 2. Accommodating actual use cases in our hands-on exercise. 3. Tweaking of the agenda to include some machine learning concepts albeit at a high level.
HK Lim - HK-Lim
Kurs - Data Preparation with Alteryx
Got to learn something new plus have access to examples for future reference
Rishab Jainani - JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A – Philippine Global Service Center
Kurs - Data Preparation with Alteryx
That it was quite interactive and there were multiple exercises to practice
John Kim - UBS AG
Kurs - Data Preparation with Alteryx
Easy to follow through