
    forstå nettet Trusler og angrepsvektorer forstår prinsipper for sikker design forstår OWASP Topp 10 angrep forstår autentiserings- og autorisasjonsproblemene hvordan man kan forhindre Cross-Site Scripting hvordan man forhindrer Cross-Site Request Forgery forstår den sikre utviklingssyklusen hvordan man forhindrer injeksjonsangrep forstå penetrasjonstestmetodene for å sikre ASP.net-applikasjoner


Erfaring med ASP.net Erfaring med å lage webapplikasjoner

 21 timer

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Testimonials (4)

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.NET, C# and ASP.NET Security Development

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Comprehensive C# and .NET Application Security

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Advanced C#, ASP.NET and Web Application Security

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Web Application Security

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Security Testing

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Secure Web Application Development and Testing

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Secure coding in PHP

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Combined C/C++, JAVA and Web Application Security

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Combined JAVA, PHP and Web Application Security

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